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Monday, 24 June 2013


Tujuan Pembelajaran
v        Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur meminta usulan, memohon, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau lakukan sesuatu, dan memerihtah.
v         Siswa dapat merespon makna tindak tutur meminta usulan, memohon, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu, dan memerihtah.

  Tindak tutur meminta usulan                            : A:    Do you have any advice for me?
                                                                         B:     My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
  Tindak tutur memohon                                       : A: Tell me a story, brother George, please.
                                                                            B:  Okay.
Tindak tutur mengeluh                                          : I’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.
 Tindak tutur membahas kemungkinan         
 atau melakukan sesuatu                                      : A: Is there any chance they will meet and marry?
                                                                           : B: There’s a good possibility.
Tindak tutur memerintah                                     : Stop it, I tell you!

Listen and repeat

·         Is it possible to see Mount Bawakaraeng from here?
o   Maybe
o   Perhaps
o   Could be
·         Is there any possibility of selling everything today?
o   It’s possible
o   There’s a good possibility
·         Can you come to my house tomorrow morning?
o   It’s very likely
·         Give me that!
·         Be quiet!
·         Don’t sit there!
·         Do it right now, will you!
·         Stop it, I tell you!
·         Will you hurry up!
·         I order you to get out!
·         Will you please stop talking!
·         Would you please sit down!
·         Do you mind not singing!
·         You must wait here!
·         Do you think I ought to call the police?
o   I’d think you’d better not call the police.
o   If I were you, I would not call the police.
·         What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
o   It would probably be a good idea to buy him a new watch.
o   Why don’t you buy a new watch for him?
·         Do you have any advice for me?
o   How about taking a bus instead of driving?
o   Try ignoring her for awhile.
o   My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
·         I want to complain about these shoes.
·         Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever found. I booked the room myself a week ago.
·         I’m afraid … it’s just not good enough.
·         What can you do about these rooms?
·         Something must be done.
·         I’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.

A.      Exercise 1
Read and complete the following expressions with your own words.

1.       Is it possible to see Mount Bawakaraeng from here?
2.       Is it possible to see …………….. from here?
3.       Is it possible to …………….. from here?
4.       Is it possible to ……………..?
5.       Is there any possibility of selling everything today?
6.       Is there any possibility of …………….. today?
7.       Is there any possibility of ……………..?
8.       Can you come to my house tomorrow morning?
9.       Can you come to my house ……………..?
10.   Can you come to ……………..?
11.   Can you ……………..?
12.   Do you think I ought to call the police?
13.   Do you think I ought to call……………..?
14.   Do you think I ought to ……………..?
15.   What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
16.   What do you think I should buy him for ……………..?
17.   What do you think I should ………………?
18.   What do you think ……………..?
19.   Do you have any advice for me?
20.   Do you have any ……………. for me?
21.   Do you have any ………………?
22.   Do you have ……………..?
23.   I want to complain about these shoes.
24.   I want to complain about these …………….
25.   I want to complain about ……………..
26.   Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever found. I booked the room myself a week ago.
27.   Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever found. I booked the room myself …………….
28.   Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever found. I booked the room ……………..

B.      Exercise 2
Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
a.    Vertical Scroll: 1To be careful in doing business with her.                                               a. Agreement
b.    To be careful in doing business with him.                                           b. Disagreement
c.     To be careful in giving advice to them.                                                    c. Advice
d.    To be careful in doing business with them.                                           d. Necessity
e.    To be careful in giving advice to her.                                                        e. Plan
a.    Call the police.                                                                                   a. Information
b.    Not call the police.                                                                           b. Permission
c.     Come to the police station.                                                         c. Advice
d.    Not come to the police station.                                                 d. Agreement
e.    Give advice to the police.                                                             e. Curiosity
a.       Agreement.                                        a. Agreement
b.      Disagreement.                                   b. Warning
c.       Advice                                                   c. Advice
d.      Necessity                                             d. Apology
e.      Plan.                                                       e. Prohibition

C.      Exercise 3
         Listen to the conversation between a girl and his brother and answer the questions.

1.       What does the girl want George to do?
a.       to read a story.                           d.  to tell a story.
b.      To write a story.                         e.  to make a story.
c.       To listen to a story.
2.       Do you think George is used to tell stories to his little sister?
a.       No, he does not.
b.      Yes, I do.
c.       No, I do not.
d.      Yes, he does.
e.      I don’t know.

3.       Why does George what her to make a promise?
a.       Because he doesn’t want her sister to read a story anymore.
b.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to wake him up in the middle of the night anymore.
c.       Because he doesn’t want her sister to write a story anymore.
d.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to listen to a story anymore.
e.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to make a story anymore.

4.       What does the girl say to express her promise?
a.       Wake up, Brother George.
b.      I give you my word.
c.       Tell me a story.
d.      You must know one story.
e.      Okay.

5.       What’s George’s response to the girl’s promise?
a.       No, No!! I have no story to tell, Little Sister.
b.      Okay, okay … but please promise me that you never wake me up in the middle of Dawn like this anymore.
c.       You’d better keep your promise or I won’t tell you stories anymore.
d.      You must know one story.
e.      Well, it’s a promise.

D.      Exercise 4
Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
a.       Clean the room.                                      a. He wants to take the water for the woman.
b.      Come into the room.             b. He doesn’t want to take the water for the woman.
c.       Stand in front of the room.                 c. He will bring the water for the woman.
d.      Study in the room.                                 d. He can bring the water for the woman.
e.      Teach in the room.                                 e. He should bring the water for the woman.

a.       do you mind                                              a. complaint
b.      would you mind                                      b. giving an order
c.       apologize me                                            c. suggestion
d.      I beg you to apologize                           d. possibility      
e.      I am sorry.                                                  e. wonder

a.       In a restaurant.                                        a. In a restaurant.
b.      In a hotel.                                                   b. In a hotel.
c.       In a school.                                                                c. In a school.
d.      In a hospital.                                             d. In a library
e.      In canteen.                                                                e. In a canteen

a. Sympathy.                                                      a. Sympathy
b. Intention.                                                       b. Intention
c. Disappointment.                                          c. Disappointment
d. Regret.                                                            d. Regret.
e. Possibility.                                                      e. Possibility

a. At home.                        a. I should take an umbrella.
b. At a factory.                  b. You are going to take an umbrella.     
c. At a hospital.                 c. You don’t take an umbrella.
d. At a school.                    d. I may take an umbrella.
e. At a cafeteria.               e. You should take an umbrella.

a. At home.                                                               a. I wish I could.
b. At a factory.                                                         b. That will be nice.
c. At a hospital.                                                        c. That’s all right.
d. At a school.                                                          d. That’s the right thing to do.
e. At a hotel.                                                             e. I don’t know.

a.       To turn down the radio.               
b.      To study English
c.       T o study English together.
d.      To help him to study English.
e.      To teach him English.

a.       warned
b.      prohibited
c.       offered help
d.      showed sympathy
e.      expressed like
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat menggunakan makna tindak tutur meminta usulan, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu, dan memerihtah.
Tindak tutur meminta usulan                      : A:   Do you have any advice for me?
                                                                                  B:   My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
Tindak tutur mengeluh                                  : I’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.
Tindak tutur membahas kemungkinan  
atau melakukan sesuatu                               : A: Is there any chance they will meet and marry?
                                                                          B: There’s a good possibility.
 Tindak tutur memerintah                            : Stop it, I tell you!

A.      Exercise 1
Act out the following dialogue.
Man                       : Do you have any advice for me?
Woman                                : My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
Man                       : Do you think I ought to not doing business with them?
Woman                                : Yes, I think so.

Listen and Repeat

Unhealthy                           birthday                                                                               recommend
Headache                            new house                                                                         work harder
Stomach                              problem                                                                               more seriously
Accompany                        never satisfied                                                                  so late

B.      Exercise 2
Act out the following dialogue.

Man                       : You look unhealthy.
Woman                : Yes, I get headache and stomach ache.
Man                       : You should go to the doctor. Come one, I will accompany you.
Woman                                : OK.

C.      Exercise 3
Complete the following dialogue and act out the dialogue in front of the class.
Man                       : What do you think I should buy her for her ……………..?
Woman                : If I were you, I will buy a ………. ………………… for her.
Man                       : OK.

D.      Exercise 4
Rearrange the following dialogue and act out the dialogue in front of the class.

Woman               : Well, try to work harder and more seriously.
Woman               : I think you’d better ask for his apology and say to him that is your fault.
Man                      : My boss is angry because I came to my office so late last week.
Man                       : OK.
Man                      : I have a problem. My boss is never satisfied with my job. What do you recommend me to do?

Listen and Repeat

I give you my word          Wake up
keep your promise          Tell me a story
it’s a promise                     promise me
Little Sister

E.       Exercise 5
Complete the following dialogue and act out the dialogue in front of the class.

A girl                      : …………………………, Brother George. Tell me a story.
The boy                : No, No!! I have no story to tell, ………………………….
A girl                      : You must know one story! ……………………………… Brother George, please.
The boy                : Okay, okay. But please …………………….. that you never wake me up in the middle of Dawn like this anymore.
A girl                      : …………………………………….
The boy                : You’d better ……………………………….. or I won’t tell you stories anymore.
A girl                      : Well, ………………………………..
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat mengidentfikasi dan merespon dengan benar makna tindak tutur mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, mengungkapkan hasrat dan keingintahuan, dan tindak tutur menyatakan berbagai sikap.

Tindak tutur mengakui kesalahan                             :  I admit I was wrong.
Tindak tutur berjanji                                                       : A:  Do you give me your word on that?
                                                                                        : B:  You have my word on it.
 Tindak tutur menyalahkan                                          : It was your fault.           
 Tindak tutur mengungkapkan
 keingintahuan dan hasrat                                            : I wonder who she is
                                                                                          I wonder if i can fly to that cloud.
Tindak tutur menyatakan berbagai
sikap                                                                                      : I really like an honest person.
                                                                                                  I hate people who are always late.

Listen and repeat

·         Promise me that you will get me all the water that I can drink.
o   I promise I’ll do whatever you want.
o   It’s a promise
o   I give you my word on that

·         Do you promise to take care of the bird if we get one?
o   You have my word on it.

·         Make me a promise, won’t you?
o   I promise you that I’ll try to be on time next time.
o   I promise to love you endlessly.
o   I swear that my love is only for you.

·         I admit I was wrong
·         You’re right and I was wrong
·         It was my own fault
·         I am sorry I have made a mistake
·         I was the one to blame
·         It was your own fault
·         I told you but you wouldn’t listen
·         It’s no use crying over split milk.
·         It serves you right.
·         Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson

A.      Exercise 1
Read and complete the following expressions with your own words.

·         Promise me that you will get me all the water that I can drink.
·         Promise me that you will get me ………………………….
·         Promise me that ………………………………..
·         Do you promise to take care of the bird if we get one?
·         Do you promise to take care of the bird if ………………………..?
·         Do you promise to take care of …………………………..?
·         Do you promise to …………………………………?

B.      Exercise 2
Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.

a.    He failed his final exam.
b.    He passed his final exam.
c.     He got bad grade in his final exam.
d.    He got good grade in his final exam.
e.    He have played on-line games.

a.    Like                                         a. The woman made a mistake
b.    Dislike                                    b. The man made a mistake
c.     Confessing                          c. Both of them made a mistake
d.    Blaming                                 d. The woman expressed a confession
e.    Suggestion                          e. The man blamed the woman

a.    I don’t like it.                          a. I am really contented.
b.    I am disappointed.              b. It’s such good foot that I can’t forget.
c.     I am sorry about it.              c. The foot makes me satisfied.
d.    I hate it.                                   d. I feel annoyed.
e.    I really like it.                          e. I like it very much.

a.    Anxiety.                                   a. At home.
b.    Surprise.                                  b. At a store.
c.     Satisfaction.                           c. At an office.
d.    Anger.                                      d. At a market.
e.    Gratitude.                               e. At a hospital.

a.    His pride.                                 a. Inability.
b.    His advice.                               b. Uncertainty.
c.     His intention.                         c. Impossibility.
d.    His curiosity.                           d. Disagreement.
e.    His agreement.                     e. Dissatisfaction.

a.    I prefer orange juice better.
b.    I don’t like orange juice better.
c.     I’d rather have orange juice to tomato juice.
d.    I prefer orange juice to tomato juice.
e.    I don’t like orange better.

a.    Asking for a promise.
b.    Offering a promise.
c.     Asking about thoughts.
d.    Asking about feelings.
e.    Expressing wonder.

C.      Exercise 3
                Listen to the conversation between a woman and a man and answer the questions.
1.       Who are the speakers in the dialogue?
a.    They two lovers.
b.    They are a man and a woman.
c.     They are friends.
d.    They are Jane and her friends
e.    They are Jane and her parents.

2.        What are they talking about?
a.    They are talking about their plan to see the man’s parents.
b.    They are talking about their plan to see the woman’s parents.
c.     They are talking about their plan to see their parents.
d.    They are talking about their plan to see the man’s father.
e.    They are talking about their plan to see the man’s mother.

3.        Why does the woman look worried?
a.    Because they are wondering about something.
b.    Because he is wondering about something.
c.     Because she is wondering about something.
d.    Because he is not wondering about something.
e.    Because she is not wondering about something.

4.        What is the woman wondering?
a.    My parents’ reaction.
b.    Their parents’ reaction.
c.     His parents’ reaction.
d.    Her parents’ reaction.
e.    Our parents’ reaction.

5.       What is the man’s reaction?
a.    She asks me if I am worried about my parents’ reaction.
b.    He asks them if they are worried about their parents’ reaction.
c.     She asks them if they are worried about their parents’ reaction.
d.    She asks him if he is worried about his parents’ reaction.
e.    He asks her if she is worried about her parents’ reaction.


Tujuan Pembelajaran
·           Siswa dapat menggunakan dengan benar makna tindak tutur mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, mengungkapkan hasrat dan keingintahuan, dan tindak tutur menyatakan berbagai sikap.

Tindak tutur mengakui kesalahan                             :  I admit I was wrong.
Tindak tutur berjanji                                                       : A:  Do you give me your word on that?
                                                                                        : B:  You have my word on it.
 Tindak tutur menyalahkan                                          : It was your fault.           
 Tindak tutur mengungkapkan
 keingintahuan dan hasrat                                            : I wonder who she is
                                                                                          I wonder if i can fly to that cloud.
Tindak tutur menyatakan berbagai
sikap                                                                                      : I really like an honest person.
                                                                                                  I hate people who are always late.

A.      Exercise 1
Act out the following dialogue.

Boy                        : Dad, I’m sorry, I failed my final examination. It was my fault.
Father                  : What do you expect? You shouldn’t have played on-line games too much. Perhaps that’ll teach you…. Next time do it better.
Boy                        : Thanks, Dad. I promise, I won’t disappoint you again.

Listen and Repeat

Enjoy                     my report card
Wonderful          I’m very proud of you
Cook                      What do you prefer

B.      Exercise 2
Complete the following dialogue and act out it in front of the class

Man                       : Did you ……………. the meal?
Woman                                : It’s …………………. It’s such good foot that I can’t forget.
                                  Did you ………………. the food yourself?
Man                       : No, my sister …………….. me cook the food.

C.      Exercise 3
Rearrange the following the following dialogue and act out it in front of the class.

Man                       : Sure. You did well. I’m very proud of you.
Woman                : Dad, have you seen my report card?
Woman                                : Thank you, Dad.

D.      Exercise 4
Act out the following dialogue.

Man                       : This restaurant is very good. What is the name of this restaurant?
Woman                : Restu Ibu Restaurant. The menu is good. We can have a tomato juice or orange juice. What do you prefer?
Man                       : I prefer orange juice to tomato juice.

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat memahami dengan benar makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

1.       Tell what you see in the picture.
2.       Do you believe that a goose can produce golden eggs? Why? / Why not?
3.       If you say to six-year old child that a goose can produce golden eggs, would the child believe with what you say? Why? / Why not?

A.      Exercise 1
Listen to the following fable. While listening, complete the missing words with the words you hear. Then, answer the question.

The Goose with the Golden Eggs
Well, here is the story. One day (1) ……………….. was going to (2) ……………….. and found there was (3) ……………….. and glittering. When he took it up, it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on a (4) ……………….. and soon found to his delight that it was (5) ………………... Every morning (6) ……………….. occurred and he soon became rich by selling its eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy and thought to get at once (7) ……………….. the goose could give. He killed the goose and opened it: only to find nothing.

1.       Whose goose was it?
2.       Where did he find a gold egg?
3.       How were the eggs?
4.       Why did he want to through the egg away?
5.       What made him happy?
6.       What made him greedy?
7.       Did he find any golden eggs inside the goose?
8.       What lesson can you learn from the story?
9.       Write down the action verbs used in the story.

B.      Exercise 2
Read and listen to a text about a pipeline and pay attention to the intonation. Circle the right action verbs used in the text. Then, fill in the table.

Have you ever heard about a pipeline in computer technology? Guess what. Right. A pipeline is very close to a computer. But can you tell me what a pipeline is? Well, let me explain. A pipeline in a computer is a sequence of stages a computer uses to carry out instructions.
The CPU makes sure every stage in a pipeline is always operating on an instruction. As a stage of a pipeline in the CPU finishes manipulating an instruction, it  hands its instruction to the next stage and gets another instruction from the stage before it,  moving several instructions along the pipeline simultaneously. This process is more efficient than it would be if each instruction had to start at the first stage after the previous instruction finished the final stage.
notes.gifOh, I almost forgot, the more pipelines a CPU has, the faster it can execute instructions. A CPU with two or more pipelines is said to be a super pipelined or superscalar. Okay. Have you got it? Not yet. How about going to the library and searching for more explanations about a pipeline? See you and good luck.

Gambits used for presentation
What are they? Write here.
1.    Asking for information
2.    Guessing
3.    Right or wrong
4.    What you really mean
5.    Checking
6.    Adding things
7.    Offering s suggestion
8.    Leaving-taking
1.  Can you tell me what a pipeline is?
2.  ………
3.  ………
4.  ………
5.  ………
6.  ………
7. ………
8.  ………
C.      Exercise 3
Listen to the following dialog. While listening, fill in the blanks. Then, answer the questions.

Viva             : Dien, do you think that computers are necessary for high school students?

Andien       : Sure, why not?

Viva             : I think computer lessons do not (1) ……………….. physical activity. You know why? Well, there are students who are caught up in a computer and they forget about lunch, their homework, or even (2) ……………….. to skip after-school activities.

Andien       : Yeah, I heard about that too. Once, I saw a student who was forced to leave the  computer because he was so absorbed in computer (3) ………………...

Viva             : See what I mean? Besides, this problem will become even worse as more classroom works center around a computer. And one more thing, (4) ……………….. make the users unsociable.

Andien       :  Do they? How come?

Viva             : The prolonged exposure to computers makes the users lazy to (5) ……………….. with other people. They find their world more enjoyable in computers, since they are inanimate objects. This makes them abusive to other people.

Andien       : You know, I can’t deny the (6) ……………….. that computers help us a lot in the information age. I can’t imagine what this world would be if there were no computers. How could I handle so much work in my office? How could the police (7) ……………….. the traffic lights without the help of computers? How would we communicate with each other in different places without computers?

Viva             :  You’re right. I don’t object to that.

Andien       :  To me, computers have more (8) ……………….. than disadvantages.

1.         What is the dialogue about?
2.         Does Viva think that computers are necessary for high school students? Why?
3.         Does Andien agree with Viva’s opinion? Why/why not?
4.         What was Andien’s conclusion?
5.         Find the advantages and the advantages of a computer. See the example.
§  Advantages: making typing easier, …
§  Disadvantages: making people unsociable, …


Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Listen and Repeat

People                                  cooking                                                Very well                                             drink
The lover                             let me rest                          with you                                              I promise
Fish                                        come on                              promise                                               kettle
His friend                             my friend                            If I eat                                                   had eaten
Eat                                          unless                                   you must promise                           full of water
Greedily                               drank                                    Bring me more                                  Again
Filled                                     More                                     tired                                                      the stream
Remember                         weary                                   Go now                                                                sadly
sprang in                              lying down                          By and by                                            my sworn friend
broken promise                                amazed                                                grief                                                       returned

A.      Exercise 1
Study the following story and act out it in front of the class.

(Narrator) There were two people, the lover and his friend finding something to eat. The lover found a fish which he cleaned, and then he called his friend.
Lover     : Come and eat the fish with me. I have cleaned it and made a fire now it is cooking.
Friend   : No, you eat it; let me rest.
Lover     : Oh, come on.
Friend   : No, let me rest.
Lover     : But you are my friend. I will not eat unless you eat with me.
Friend   : Very well, I will eat the fish with you, but you must first make me a promise. If I eat the fish, you must promise, pledge yourself, to fetch me all the water I can drink.
Lover     : I promise.
(Narrator) And so the two ate the fish out of their kettle. When they had eaten, the kettle was rinsed out and the lover brought it back full of water. Greedily, the lover’s friend drank the water.
Friend   : Bring me more.
(Narrator) Again, the lover filled the kettle at the river and again his friend drank it dry.
Friend   : More!!!
Lover    : Oh, I am tired. Cannot you go to the river and drank it form the stream?
Friend   : Remember your promise?
Lover     : Yes, but I am weary. Go now and drink.
(Narrator)And so the lover’s friend walked sadly to the river, sprang in, and lying down in the water with ther head toward land, drank greedily. By and by she called out to the lover.
Friend   : Come hither, you who have been my sworn friend. See what comes of your
                  broken promise.
(Narrator) The lover came and was amazed to see that his friend was now a fish from her feet to her middle. Sick at heart he ran off a little away and threw himself upon the ground in grief. By and by he returned. The lover’s friend was now a fish to her neck.

B.      Exercise 2
Find out
1.       How many people are there in the dialogue?
2.       What is the relationship of the speakers in the dialogue?
3.       Where did the story happen?
4.       Who made a promise?
5.       Why did he make a promise?
6.       What happened when the promise was broken?
7.       simile1.jpgWho broke the promise?

C.      Exercise 3
Act out the following Dialogue.

Andy     : Hi, Windy.
Windy   : Hi. Where are you going?
Andy     : I’m going in to ask Mr.Indra for a remedial test.
Windy   : You’re finally going to do it, huh? Good fortune be with you. I hope it goes
Andy     : So do I.

D.      Exercise 4
Rearrange the following dialogue and act out it in front of the class

Student                                : Thank you very much , sir.
Student                                : Yes, sir. I got an article about ‘Pipeline’.
Teacher                                : So, John, have you decided what are you going to present this morning?
Teacher                                : You did? Well, congratulation. I think you’ll do very well because you
                               like studying computer very much. Best of luck.

Listen and Repeat

Hacker                                  different                              weaknesses                       brilliant skills
Enjoys                                   object                                   crimes                                   treachery
Hacking                                                positive points                  catch                                     conspiracy
Problem                               breaking into                     caught                                  responsible
Legal                                      dare                                       Nevertheless                     blame
Personally                           wealth

E.       Exercise 5
Study the following monolog and answer the questions orally

Hacking: Pro and Contra?

Do you know what a hacker is? Well, a hacker is a person  who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems on computers and they like to stretch the capability of the systems. And you know what, the activities they do in the computers are called ‘hacking’.
So, what’s the problem with ‘hacking and its hackers’? Well, the problem is whether ‘hacking and its hackers’ is legal or illegal? What I mean is that people in the world have many different views about hacking and the hackers. Some of them take sides, but many object.
To get back to what I was saying previously, let us see the positive points of a hacker, shall we? Although in most places breaking into computer systems is considered illegal, I believe that hackers don’t do anything illegal because they only want to know and try the systems. I dare to say that a hacker likes finding the strengths and the weaknesses of a computer system. They feel proud if they can find the weaknesses. So I don’t really see the crimes in this case. In addition, these hackers sometimes help the police catch the ‘white collar criminals’, such as bank robbers, money launderers, credit card forgers. For example, in 2000, the U.S. hackers caught some Singaporean hackers who made ‘Virus Love’ to break up the programs of the U.S. National Security system.
Nevertheless, those who object to the good points of a hacker say that hacking is a crime. The reason is that some hackers use their brilliant skills to break into banks and other vital institutions where they can get money, destroy information, and the worst thing is they can get secret information and sell it to another country. This is a treachery.
Take for example, in 1994, The U.S. government broke a conspiracy of computer hackers out of Majorca, Spain. These hackers were responsible for accessing and eliminating 190,000 telephone credit card numbers over computer bulletin boards in America and Europe. Seeing this fact, I don’t blame those who think negatively about hackers.
To put the whole thing in a nut shell, I personally think that hackers are not bad people with their brilliant skills. However, they could be bad because of money orientation to get the wealth. That’s just the point.
1.         What is a hacker?
2.         What is hacking?
3.         Which paragraph states that hackers are not bad people?
4.         Which paragraph states that hackers are bad people?
5.         Based on the text, in which way is a hacker useful?
6.         What’s the main point when these hackers turn into bad people?
7.         Does the speaker take sides or not? Which statements support your answer?
8.         So, what is his/her purpose in talking about hackers?


Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Listen and Repeat

Keeping an animal                           carrying it home                               thinking
Keep a dog                                         on his way home                              made up his mind
Greedy                                                 had to cross                                        opened his mouth
A greedy dog                                     looked down                                     fell out
Had got                                                                reflected                                             dropped into the water

A.      Exercise 1
Listen carefully to the following story. While listening, arrange the jumbled words between brackets and rewrite them in the table provided. Then, answer the questions.

The Dog and the Shadow
Do you like keeping an animal in your house? Okay. Do you know the reason why people keep a dog in their house? Don’t you know that sometimes a dog can be so greedy that he steals all we have? This is a story about a greedy dog.

It happened that a dog had got (of meat a piece) and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now on his way home, he had to cross a plank lying across (running a brook.) As he crossed, he looked down and saw (own shadow his) reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was (another piece dog another with of meat,) he made up his mind to have that also. So, he made (a at snap the shadow) in the water, but as he opened his mouth (piece the of meat) fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen any more.

Noun Phrases
Describe the noun with more details
A new description of noun phrases
1.       A piece of meat
2.       ………………………..
3.       ………………………..
4.       ………………………..
5.       ………………………..
6.       ………………………..
Small, delicious, red
A piece of small delicious red meat.

1.       What did the dog have?
2.       What happened with the dog on his way home?
3.       What was in the water beneath?
4.       Did the dog get another piece of meat? Why/why not?
5.       Write down the action verbs used in the story.

Listen and Repeat

Good morning                                         solidified                              dentures
Have you ever heard                            melted                                 not yet
Explain                                                        poured into
Metal sculptures                                     mold
Coated                                                        utilitarian

B.      Exercise 2
Read and listen carefully to the following explanation. While listening, fill in the blanks. Then, answer the questions.

Good morning, students. Hmm, have you ever heard about ‘Cire Perdue’ or ‘Lost Wax’? Well, (1) ………. me explain. ‘Cire Perdue’ which is the French words for ‘lost wax’ is a process of wax casting used in making metal sculptures.
When a model is coated with wax, the solidified wax is encased in a two-layer mold of plaster or clay. It is (2) ………. melted or otherwise removed from the mold, and the metal is poured into the space where the wax had been. Oh, I almost forgot, after cooling, the mold is (3) ………. to free the metal object.
This ancient method is used to produce sculpture, jewelry, and utilitarian (4) ………., such as dentures. Do you understand? Not yet? Okay, how about going to the library to find more information about ‘Lost Wax’? (5) ………. and good luck
1.       What does the text tell you?
2.       What is Lost Wax?
3.       What are the tools you need in the Lost Wax process?
4.       How many stages are there in the Lost Wax process?
5.       Which of these is the purpose of the text?
a.       To describe the way things are.
b.      To explain the processes involved In the information of sociocultural phenomena.
6.       Can you find expressions typically used in the conversation in the text? Mention them.
7.       Circle all the action verbs used in the text?
8.       Underline all the passive sentences used in the text.
9.       Are there any conjunctions used in the text? Mention them.
10.   Is the text written in the present tense? Why?

Listen and repeat

hands                            internal parts                        invented                                cancer                                    severe illness
Right                              X-Ray                                      scientist                 kidney trouble                      patient’s disease
Head                             spectrum of light                  ill                             heart trouble                        medicine
Stomach                       radiated                                 wrong                     tumors                                   disagree
Lungs                            body organs                          illnesses                 conflicting opinions             radiation
Body                              In a hospital                           diseases                 beneficial                              controversy

C.      Exercise 3
Listen to your teacher while listening answer the following questions

1.       What is the topic of the text?
2.       Who invented the X-Ray?
3.       Where can you find an X-Ray?
4.       When do doctors use X-Rays?
5.       What kind of illnesses use an X-Ray examination?
6.       Do you think that X-Ray examinations are cheap?
7.       Why do doctors prefer to use an X-Ray examination before making a diagnosis?
8.       Is there any side effect in using X-Rays?
9.       Who mostly objects to X-Ray examinations?
10.   What solution do they have?

D.      Exercise 4
Listen to your teacher and complete the following text

Is an X-Ray Examination Necessary?
Students, can you show me your hands? Right! Now can you show me your head? Excellent! But, can you show me what is inside your stomach? Hmm… Can you show me your lungs? No? Why? Yeah, you’re right. ­­­____________________________________________
So what do you think, how can we see the internal parts of our body? Yes. We use an X-Ray. So, what is an X-Ray? Does anybody know? No? Well, an X-Ray is a spectrum of light. It is radiated through our body. It is used for detecting our internal body organs. Am I making myself clear?
 Well, let me continue. Where can you find an X-Ray? Yes, that’s right. ____________________________________________. And do you know who invented the X-Ray? Does anybody know?  No? Oh, come on…. Nobody remembers the name? Well, ____________________________________________ a German scientist, William Conrad Rontgen.
Where was I? Oh, O.K. Hmm… When do people get an X-ray? Correct. When they are ill. I mean when __________________________________________________________________. Can you give any examples of illnesses? When people have these diseases they need an X-Ray to check. Yes, ____________________________________________, etc.
Students, do you know that there are many conflicting opinions about the use of X-Rays in a hospital? Well, look at the chart! 60% of people agree that an X-Ray examination is beneficial. They say that doctors should use an X-Ray in examining a severe illness. If doctors don’t use an X-Ray, ____________________________________________ which is very useful in making a diagnosis on a patient’s disease. And this will sometimes cause a doctor to be inaccurate in prescribing medicine to cure an illness.
However, not all patients agree with the use of X-Ray examination. Look at the chart again, _________________________________________ with the use of an X-Ray examination. Do you know why? Guess what? They think that using an X-Ray examination will _________________________________. That’s really true. Another reason is that the radiation of an X-Ray ________________________ to body tissues.
Well, as a result of this controversy, many people use ____________________________ cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care. However, hospitals still insist on having X-Ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis although the cost is very high.

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat menyampaikan dengan benar wacana lisan narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Listen and Repeat

The sheep                  a little apart
The wolf                      a meal
The lamb                     hearty meals
The skin                       the vigilance
Pelt                                the shepherd

A.      Exercise 1
Rearrange the following sentences into a good story, then read it in front of the classs. After that answer the questions orally

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
1.      The lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the wolf was wearing, began to follow the wolf in the sheep’s clothing.
2.      But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep.
3.      So, leading the lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal of her and for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep and enjoying hearty meals.
4.      A wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs.

Listen and Repeat

Effectively                        made of                                 woodchips
Paper                                the pulp                                 forest trees
Making paper                  wood chipping                      At the mill
Silly question                   chemicals and heat              the logs
The pulp                           bleached                               the tops and branches
B.      Exercise 2
Rearrange the following sentences into a good story, then read it in front of the class. After that answer the questions orally

Making Paper from Woodchips

1. Use it more effectively.
2. Do you have any paper in your bag?
3. Considering the complexity of making paper, let’s appreciate any paper on our hands.
4. It may seem like a silly question but do you know how to make paper?
5. Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
6. What is paper made of?
7. Oh, I almost forgot, the pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.
8. Right. And  how about ‘wood chipping’?
9. Hmm…, at this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into the pulp by chemicals and heat.
10. Have you ever heard about it?
11. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities.
12. Well, wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees.
13. At the mill, the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips.
14. First of all, the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill.

C.      Exercise 3
Listen to the following dialog. Pay attention to the intonation used in the dialog. Then, practice the dialog with your friend and discuss the questions.

Jane     : Look at this article about teeth.
Jim       : Teeth? What does it say?
Jane     : Well, apparently they’ve found a cure for tooth decay.
Jim       : Really? I can’t believe that’s possible.
Jane     : Yes, it says here we all eat far too much sugar and that’s what causes a toothache.
Jim       : I knew that.
Jane     : It is also stated that there is bacteria that converts sugar into acids and they attack the teeth and make  holes in them. However, now they’ve found a vaccine to attack the bacteria. They did tests on monkeys and it’s completely safe.
Jim       : That’s good news. How do you get the vaccine?
Jane     : It isn’t on the market yet, but when it is, you’ll get it from…. Oh, I don’t think the article tells us the information about that. I suppose you’ll get it from your dentist. Anyway, they are going to give it to kids when they are three.
Jim      : What a clever idea.

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat memahami dan merespon dengan benar teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

A.      Exercise 1
Find the meaning of the following words/phrases

a.      The real meaning of love                 = …………………………………………………………………………….
b.      Had many admirers                          = …………………………………………………………………………….
c.       Wanted to have her for a wife         = …………………………………………………………………………….
d.      A young man in the village               = …………………………………………………………………………….
e.      A good hunter                                   = …………………………………………………………………………….
f.        Had a mean family                                    = …………………………………………………………………………….
g.      Wished he could marry her              = …………………………………………………………………………….
h.      Whispered in her ear                       = …………………………………………………………………………….
i.        Acted as if                                         = …………………………………………………………………………….
j.        Whispered back                                = …………………………………………………………………………….           
k.       A war party of seven                                    = …………………………………………………………………………….
l.        A green knoll                                                = …………………………………………………………………………….           
m.    mysterious or uncanny.                    = …………………………………………………………………………….
n.      ventured into the knoll                     = …………………………………………………………………………….
o.      to jump and stamp about                 = …………………………………………………………………………….
p.      to move toward the water               = …………………………………………………………………………….
q.      a gigantic turtle                                = …………………………………………………………………………….
2.       Exercise 2
Read and listen to the following story. Pay attention to its structure and the speaker’s intonation. Then, answer the questions.

The Faithful Lovers
The following story will be special for each of you who want to know the real meaning of love.
Hmm, there once lived a chief's daughter who had many admirers. All the young men in the village wanted to have her for a wife and were all eager to fill her skin bucket when she went to the brook for water.
There was a young man in the village. He was a good hunter; but he was poor and had a mean family. He loved the maiden and wished he could marry her. So, one day when she went for water, he threw his robe over her head while he whispered in her ear: “Will you marry me?”
For a long time the maiden acted as if she hadn’t heard anything, but one day she whispered back saying that she would be willing to marry him if he took a scalp.
So he made a war party of seven, himself and six other young men. Before they started, they sat down to smoke and rest beside a beautiful lake at the foot of a green knoll that rose from its shore. The knoll was covered with green grass and somehow as they looked at it they had a feeling that there was something about it that was mysterious or uncanny.
One of the lover’s friends was so curious about it that he ventured into the knoll. Four of the young men followed. Having reached to the top of the knoll, all five began to jump and stamp about in sport.
But, suddenly they stopped. The knoll had begun to move toward the water. It was a gigantic turtle! The five men cried out in alarm and tried to run, but it was too late! They cried; but the others could do nothing. In just a few moments, the waves had closed over them.
The other two men: the lover and his friend, went on, but with heavy hearts. After some days, they came to a river. Worn out with fatigue, the lover threw himself down on the bank. Fortunately, the lover’s friend came up to help him.
The following day, his friend told him that he found a fish which he had cleaned and asked him to eat the fish together. The lover said that if he ate the fish, his friend had to promise to fetch him all the water that he could drink. When they had eaten, the kettle was rinsed out and the lover’s friend brought it back with full of water. The lover drank the water at a draught. Again his friend filled the kettle at the river and again the lover drank it dry but still asked for more water. The lover’s friend then took the lover to the river. When the lover saw the river, he walked to the river, sprang in, and lying down in the water with his head toward land, drank greedily.
Then, he called out his friend. The friend came and was amazed to see that the lover was now a fish from his feet to his middle. Sick at heart, he ran off a little away and threw himself upon the ground in grief. After a while, he returned to find that the lover was now a fish up to his neck.
The friend went home and told his story. There was great mourning over the death of the five young men and for the lost lover. In the river, the lover had become a great fish and its fin was just above the surface. Canoes had to be portaged at great labor around the obstruction.
Meanwhile, the chief’s daughter mourned for her lover as for a husband and nobody could comfort her. Day by day, she sat inside her mother’s tepee with her head covered with her robe, silent, working, and working. Whenever her mother asked, the maiden did not reply.
The days lengthened into moons until a year had passed. And then the maiden arose. She left her mother’s tepee with holding lots of things in her hands. There were three pairs of moccasins, three pairs of leggings, three belts, three shirts, three head dresses with beautiful feathers, and sweet smelling tobacco.
One day she had a new canoe made. Then, the next morning she stepped into the canoe and floated slowly down the river toward the great fish. Her canoe came and stopped to the place where the great fin arose. One by one she laid her presents on the fish's back, scattering the feathers and tobacco over his broad spine.
“Oh, fish,” she cried, “oh, fish, you who were my lover, I shall not forget you.. Because you were lost for love of me, I shall never marry. All my life I shall remain a widow. Take these presents. And now leave the river, and let the waters run free, so my people may once more descend in their canoes.” Slowly the great fish sank, his broad fin disappeared, and the waters of the St. Croix (Stillwater) were free.

1.       “The faithful lovers” refer to …
2.       What was actually the green knoll?
3.       When did the lover start changing into a fish? Underline the sentences that support your answer.
4.       What did the maiden do when knowing that her lover had changed into a big fish?
5.       How do you feel when you read the story? Happy? Amused? Sad? Bored? Confused? Why?
6.       Who were the main characters of the story above?
7.       How did the main characters in the story overcome their problem(s)?
8.       Does the story happen in past or present time? Give evidence.
9.       Circle all the noun phrases you find in the text?
10.   Can you find any direct speech in the above story? Do they make the story seem real?

B.      Exercise 2
Find the synonyms of the following words

1.       Speech                                (talking, world, cat)
2.       Sound                  (silence, noise, quiet)
3.       Source                 (top, resource, peak)
4.       Stream                                (way, course, flow)
5.       Exhale                 (breathe, out, absent)
6.       Inaudible            (impossible to hear, audible, capable of being heard)
7.       Vibrate                (have, shake, rate)
8.       Cord                     (ring, wine, string)
9.       Chop                    (put, hop, cut)
10.   Puff                      (blow, temple, guess)
11.   Buzz                     (bus, hum, but)
12.   Tract                     (religion, area, are)
13.   Shape                  (from, for, form)
14.   Tongue               (language, world, direct)
15.   Acoustic              (audio, radio, broadcasting)

C.      Exercise 3
Read and listen to the following story. Pay attention to its structure and the speaker’s intonation. Then, answer the questions.

A brief summary of speech production
Speech production is made posible by the specialized movements of our vocal organs that generate speech sound waves.
Like all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air stream must víbrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to víbrate.
As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of pufs. These pufs are Heard as a buzz, but this buzz is still not speech.
To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change Shape. During speech, we continually alter the Shape of the vocal tract by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech.

1.       The text is ...
a.       Descriptive.
b.      Narrative.
c.       Explanation.
d.      News ítem.
e.      Discussion.

2.       The text is about …
a.       Vocal organs.
b.      Speech sounds.
c.       A source of energy.
d.      The air stream.
e.      Speech production.

3.       The synonym of require is …
a.       Like
b.      Dislike
c.       Produce
d.      Need
e.      Shape

4.       We can find the general  statement in paragraph …
a.       1
b.      1 and 2
c.       2
d.      2 and 3
e.      4

5.       If something is inaudible, you can’t …
a.       Eat
b.      Drink
c.       Cut
d.      Hear
e.      Buy

6.       What causes the air stream to víbrate?
a.       The vocal cords
b.      The speech production
c.       The buzz
d.      The movement
The energy

D.      Exercise 4
Read and listen to the following story. Pay attention to its structure and the speaker’s intonation. Then, answer the questions.

Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Schientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene splicing.
On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit mankind. For example, because it is very Expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory.
Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in agricultura. Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrogen from the air instead of from fertilizer. Therefore, food production could be increased. In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to feed the world’s hungry people.

1.       To get insulin from natural sources is …
a.       Cheap
b.      Easy
c.       Expensive
d.      Complicated
e.      Natural

2.        In Agricultura, Gene Splicing is …
a.       Not important
b.      Not required
c.       Needed
d.      Not needed
e.      Not sophisticated

3.       What kind of text is it?
a.       Exposition
b.      Discussion
c.       Review
d.      Report
e.      Anecdote

4.       Mandkind can get ……… from the ability to create life in the laboratory.
a.       Disadvantage
b.      Loyalty
c.       Benefit
d.      Love
e.      Power

E.       Exercise 5
Read and listen to the following story. Pay attention to its structure and the speaker’s intonation. Then, answer the questions.


Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl names Cinderella. Because her parents passed away, she lived with her step mother and step sister. Cinderella was very sad everyday because she had to do the housework alone.
One day, the king wanted to find the wife for his son. He invited all the beautiful girls to come. Cinderella was very sad because her step sister did not let her go. Her sister went to the palace without Cinderella.
Luckily, The Angle came and helped Cinderalla to go to the palace. In the palace, Cinderella danced with the prince. He fell in love with her; then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

1.       With whom did Cinderella live?
a.       Her father
b.      Her brother
c.       Her sister
d.      Her step mother
e.      Her step mother and step sister

2.       Which statement is NOT TRUE?
a.       Cinderella was Young.
b.      The Angel helped Cinderella.
c.       The King had a son.
d.      The King married Cinderella.
e.      The Princed married Cinderella.
3.       What kind of text is it?
a.       Descriptive
b.      News ítem
c.       Narrative
d.      Recount
e.      Spoof

4.       The communicative purpose is to …
a.       Describe Cinderella.
b.      Entertain the readers.
c.       Inform the readers.
d.      Retell the story.
e.      Share experience

5.       The organization of the text is …
a.       Complication, orientation, resolution.
b.      Orientation, complicaiton, reorientation.
c.       Orientation, coda, Complication.
d.      Orientation, Complication, resolution.
e.      Resolution, Complication, orientation.

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat mengungkapkan makna dengan benar dalam ragam bahasa tulis berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Study the following words/phrases

§  A story for you to enjoy. Listen!
§  Lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit.
§  The rabbit was a good shot
§  being very clumsy,
§  could not use an arrow
§  very unkind to the rabbit.
§  to the other side of the hill.
§  Fearing to arouse
§  consented and went with the bear.
§  Shot enough buffalo
§  So greedy and evil
§  The butchering,
§  The father of five children.
§  Very kind to the rabbit.
§  A very hearty eater,
§  Gave him an extra large piece of meat.
§  Pretend to play ball
§  Kicking it toward the rabbit's house,
§  Got close to the door
§  Unknown to the papa bear.

A.      Exercise 1
Listen carefully to the story read by your teacher. While listening you can jot down the key words that you heard. After that rearrange the story with your own words.

B.      Exercise 2
Work in groups of four. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Label the generic structure.
-          Stages                                                                   - convenience                   - in the second stage
-          Reaction                                                              - literal meaning               - hydrogen atoms
-          Synthesize glucose          - reaction             - photosynthesis              - process
-          Light                                                                      - light energy                     - chemical energy

How Photosynthesis Works

(1) _________________ is a very complex (2) _________________, and for the sake of (3) _________________ and ease of understanding, plant biologists divide it into two (4) _________________.

In the first stages, i.e. the light-dependent (5) _________________, the chloroplast traps (6) _________________ and converted it into (7) _________________ contained in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), two molecules used (8) _________________ of photosynthesis.

In the second stage, called the light independent (9) _________________ (formerly called the dark reaction), NADPH provides the (10) _________________that helps form glucose, and ATP provides the energy for this and other reactions used to (11) _________________

These two stages reflect the (12) __________________ of the term photosynthesis, to build with (13) _____________________

C.      Exercise 3
Rearange the following paragraphs into a good text.

Is an X-Ray Examination Necessary?
 Students, can you show me your hands? Right! Now can you show me your head? Excellent! But, can you show me what is inside your stomach? Hmm… Can you show me your lungs? No? Why? Yeah, you’re right. Because they are inside our body.
Students, do you know that there are many conflicting opinions about the use of X-Rays in a hospital? Well, look at the chart! 60% of people agree that an X-Ray examination is beneficial. They say that doctors should use an X-Ray in examining a severe illness. If doctors don’t use an X-Ray, they could miss some important information which is very useful in making a diagnosis on a patient’s disease. And this will sometimes cause a doctor to be inaccurate in prescribing medicine to cure an illness.
So what do you think, how can we see the internal parts of our body? Yes. We use an X-Ray. So, what is an X-Ray? Does anybody know? No? Well, an X-Ray is a spectrum of light. It is radiated through our body. It is used for detecting our internal body organs. Am I making myself clear?
However, not all patients agree with the use of X-Ray examination. Look at the chart again, 40% of patients disagree with the use of an X-Ray examination. Do you know why? Gues what? They think that using an X-Ray examination will cost them a lot of money. That’s really true. Another reason is that the radiation of an X-Ray has some risks to body tissues.
Well, let me continue. Where can you find an X-Ray? Yes, that’s right. In a hospital. And do you know who invented the X-Ray? Does anybody know?  No? Oh, come on…. Nobody remembers the name? Well, the X-Ray was invented by a German scientist, William Conrad Rontgen.
Well, as a result of this controversy, many people use traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care. However, hospitals still insist on having X-Ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis although the cost is very high.
Where was I? Oh, O.K. Hmm… When do people get an X-ray? Correct. When they are ill. I mean when there is something wrong with the internal parts of their body. Can you give any examples of illnesses? When people have these diseases they need an X-Ray to check. Yes, cancer…, kidney trouble…, heart trouble…, tumors, etc.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat merespon makna dengan benar dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Study the following words/phrase
§  One upon a time
§  A little girl named Snow White
§  Her Aunt and Uncle
§  Her parents were dead.
§  Heard her Uncle and Aunt
§  Snow White in the castle
§  Wanted to go to America
§  Didn’t have enough money
§  Her Uncle and Aunt to do this
§  Ran away
§  Were having breakfast
§  Into the woods.
§  Very tired and hungry.
§  Little cottage
§  Knocked
§  No one answered
§  Went inside and fell asleep.
§  The seven dwarfs
§  Woke up
§  Live here with us
§  Told the dwarf the whole story
§  Lived happily ever after.

A.      Exercise 1
Listen carefully to the story read by your teacher. While listening you can jot down the key words that you heard. After that rearrange the story with your own words.
B.      Exercise 2
Works in groups of four. Arrange the following paragraphs into a good order: a general statement, explanation, and closing. Then, answer the questions.

Okay, do you know who or what helps your body take oxygen from the air ? Right. Respiratory system. Can you tell me the most important organs in the respiratory system? Yes, your nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.

In the lungs, breathing out, or exhalation, removes carbon dioxide from the body, thus completing the respiration cycle. Do you understand so far? Well sorry. Time is up so see you tomorrow. Bye.

The second phase of respiration begins with the movement of carbon dioxide from the cells to the bloodstream. The bloodstream carries carbon dioxide to the heart, which pumps the carbon dioxide-laden blood to the lungs.

The first phase of respiration begins with breathing in, or inhalation. Inhalation brings air from outside the body into the lungs. Oxygen in the air moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the heart, which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. Oxygen then moves from the bloodstream into cells, which completes the first phase of respiration. In the cells, oxygen is used in a separate energy-producing process called cellular respiration, which produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

Respiratory System, in anatomy and physiology, are organs that deliver oxygen to the circulatory system for transport to all body cells. The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide in a two-phase process called respiration.

1.       Why are these organs (nose, lung, trachea, mouth, bronchial tube, diaphragm) really essential for us?
2.       Do you know what would happen if those organs are not working properly?
3.       How many phases are there in the respiration process?
4.       The first phase of respiration occurs in ……..
5.       What happens in the first phase of respiration? Complete the following sentences.
First, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Then, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
After that, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Finally, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.       What happens in the second phase of respiration? Complete the following.
First, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Then, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7.       Which of these is the purpose of the text? 
a.       To describe the way things are.
b.      To explain the processes involved in the information or working of natural phenomena.

8.       Can you find any gambits in the text? Mention them.

9.       How many sentences are there written in passive forms? Write them here.
10.   Are there any conjunctions used in the text? Mention them!

C.      Exercise 3
Work in groups. Read about the discussion of X-Ray once again. Then, answer the questions.
1.       Write all the technical terms you can find in the text. See the examples.
Internal parts

Spectrum of light


2.       Write all the gambits used in the text above according to their functions. See the example>
Can you show me …
Asking for information

Listing excuses

A surprising fact

Surprising news

Return of the topic

Correcting your self

Right or wrong

Analyze your handwriting

Checking gambits
D.      Exercise 4
Read the text carefully. Then, answer the following questions.
Many of the ancient people of Europe marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in a late autumn. The most important of these holidays that influence later Halloween customs was Samhain, a holiday observed by the ancient Celts, a tribal people who inhabited most of Western and Central Europe in the first millennium BC. Among the Celts, Samsain marked the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It was one of four Celtic holidays linked to important transitions in the annual cycle of seasons.
Samsain began at sundown on October 31 and extended into the following day. According to the Celtic pagan religion, known as Druidism, the spirits of those who died in the preceding year roamed the earth on Samhain evening. The Celts sought to ward off these spirits with offerings of food and drink. The Celts also built bonfires at sacred hilltop sites and performed rituals, often involving human and animal sacrifices, to honor Druit deities.
In Britain, Roman blended local Samhain customs with their own pagan harvest festival honoring Pomona, goddess of fruit trees. Some scholars have suggested that the game of bobbing for apples derives from this Roman associtation of the holiday with fruit.
In Britrain folklore, small magical beings known as fairies became associated with Halloween mischief. The jack-o’-lantern, originally carved from a large turnip rather than a pumpkin, originated in medieval Scotland. Various methods of preceding the future, especially concerning matters of romance and marriage, were also prominent features of Halloween throughout the British Isles.
Between the 15th and 17th centuries, Europe was seized by a hysterical fear of witches, leading to the persecution of thousands of innocent women. Witches were thought to ride flying brooms and to assume the form of black cats. These images of witches soon joined other European superstitions as symbol of Halloween.
1.       “Samhain” was the original name of ______________________________ to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of Winter by celebrating a holiday in the late autumn.
2.       The Word “annual” in the last sentence of paragraph 1 means __________­­­­­­­­____________
3.       The annual cycle of seasons in Europe is ________________________________________________
4.       Accordind to the second paragraph, Samhain is ____________________
5.        What happened on “Samhain evening”? _______________________________________________
6.       … the spirits of those who had died…. The Word “those” refers to _______________________
7.       The main idea of paragraph 3 is _______________________________________________________
8.       Paragraph 4 tells us about ___________________________________________________________
9.       The story of symbols of Halloween had a close relationship with ______________________
10.   What do you think about Halloween? Would you like to come to Halloween party? Why/why not?

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dengan benar dalam dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

A.      Exercise 1
Rearrange the following sentences into a good narrative text.

The Wind and the Sun

1.         The Wind  : Would you mind not talking so loudly?
2.         The Sun     :  Okay. Good luck.
3.         Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.
4.         The Sun   :  I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveler to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the strongest.
5.         The Sun   :  Sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire behind a cloud.
6.         One day the Wind and the Sun were disputing which was stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road.
7.          But the harder he blew the closer the traveler wrapped his cloak around him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair.
8.         The Wind :  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I’m so tired. What is happening to me? I shouldn’t give up. I have to blow harder… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
9.         The Wind  :  I will blow as hard as I can an I’ll be the winner.

B.      Exercise 2
Works in groups of four. Listen to your teacher and then make explanation text using your own words and the list below
-          an infectious disease                                                      -  red blood cells
-          a one-celled parasite                                                      -  two new cells
-          the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito        -  the human’s bloodstream
-          The Plasmodium parasite                                             - sex cells
-          its life cycle                                                                         - the infected human
-          red blood cells                                                                   -  the mosquito’s stomach
-          red blood cells                                                                   -  the mosquito’s salivary glands

C.      Exercise 3
Rearrange the following paragraph into a good discussion text.

Controversy of Harnessing Solar Energy
The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel because we can get abundant source from the sun.
Solar energy can only be used effectively in bright light. Its greatest potential, therefore, is in hot countries that have clear skies for most of the year. But, unfortunately, most houses are not always in the sunniest part of the world. Moreover, in order to harness the solar power, solar cells are needed to convert the sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are very cheap to run, but relatively expensive to buy and many people can’t afford it.
We often hear about solar car, solar heating or solar batteries. But will solar energy ever be a major source of energy for industrial societies?
In sunny desert areas, 50 % of the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground could be used to produce electricity for businesses and industry, to provide heat, light and hot water for homes. Experimental solar ponds can also produce hot water to drive generators.
Needless to say, solar energy is a useful and non-pollution source of energy. Unfortunately, solar cells, the main device to harness the sun’s energy are still very expensive.
Unfortunately, we can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight.


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