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Sunday, 14 July 2013

English Character Syllabus


School Name      : SMAN 1 Galesong Selatan
Subject                 : English
Grade                    : X
Semester             : 1

Standard Competence: Understand messages in short functional texts in short monologues of recounts, narratives, and procedures in daily life context.
Basic Competence
Learning Material
Learning Experience
Time allotment

Sample of instrument
Response accurately, fluently, and appropriately messages in short monologues texts of procedures.

Spoken procedures

·    Distinguishing spoken sentences.
·    Listening to recipe and completing a procedure text.
·    Rearrange pictures in the correct order.
·    Listening to a set of steps or procedures. While listening, looking at pictures and showing the procedure by using arrows.

Product :
·   The ability to respond the ideational of the spoken procedures.
·   The ability to complete the table based on the spoken procedures.


·    The ability to  recognize suitable words which are missing
·    The ability to  identify the general information of  the text
·    The ability to identify the specific information from the text
·    The ability to identify the lexicogramatical feature.
·    The ability to distinguish spoken sentences

Psychomotor and ICT
·      The ability to  produce a composition and upload the at their own blog
·      The ability to give response and comment on the blog

(character building and social  skills)
·      The ability to pay attention  or listen to people speaking
·      The ability to appreciate others ideas
·      The ability to be responsible to their own task.
·      The ability to share opinions
·      The ability to interrupt while people speaking




Non test

Listening test

Listening test

Performance assessment

Observation checklist

Listening to a recipe and complete the text.

2 x45 minutes


   Takalar, 16 July 2011

Approved by                                                                                                                                                                                                   The English Teacher
The Principal of
SMA Neg. 1 Galesong Selatan

H. Hamzah, S.Pd.                                                                                                                                                                                          Ahmad Juanda, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
NIP. 19600805 198601 1 006                                                                                                                                                                                    NIP. 19751028 200012 1 004


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