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Friday, 2 August 2013


Satuan Pendidikan                : SMA
Tema                                      : Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal (Listening)
Kelas/Semester                      : XII/I
Alokasi Waktu                       : 4 x 45 menit

A.    Standar Kompetensi :
Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B.     Kompetensi Dasar     ;
Merespons makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengusulkan, memohon, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu, dan memerintah.

C.    Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur meminta usulan
·         Merespon tindak tutur meminta usulan (mengusulkan)
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memohon
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur mengeluh
·         Merespon tindak tutur mengeluh
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu
·         Merespons tindak tutur membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memerintah
·         Merespons tindak tutur memerintah

D.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
·         Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur meminta usulan, memohon, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu, dan memerihtah.
·         Siswa dapat merespon makna tindak tutur meminta usulan, memohon, mengeluh, membahas kemungkinan atau melakukan sesuatu, dan memerihtah.

E.     Materi Pelajaran
Tindak tutur meminta usulan                      : A:   Do you have any advice for me?
                                                                                  B:     My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
Tindak tutur memohon                                 : A: Tell me a story, brother George, please.
                                                                                  B:  Okay.
Tindak tutur mengeluh                                  : I’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.
 Tindak tutur membahas kemungkinan 
atau melakukan sesuatu                               : A: Is there any chance they will meet and marry?
                                                                                : B: There’s a good possibility.
Tindak tutur memerintah                             : Stop it, I tell you!

F.     Alat/Bahan/Sumber belajar
·         Buku Look Ahead 3
·         LKS
·         Kaset/CD   
·         Tape/komputer

G.    Metode/Pendekatan
Pendekatan kompetensi/Metode penugasan

H.    Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Tahap Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Awal
o   Salam dan mengecek kehadiran siswa sambil memberikan motivasi.
o   Orientasi: memusatkan perhatian peserta didik pada materi yang akan dibelajarkan
o   Apersepsi: memberikan persepsi awal kepada peserta didik tentang materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti
o   Siswa mengikuti tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa menuliskan tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa merespon tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
o   Siswa membaca nyaring tindak tutur yang telah diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan mendengarkan tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.

Kegiatan Penutup
o   Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami tindak tutur yang telah dipelajari.
o   Siswa dan guru bersama-sama membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.
o   Menugaskan siswa secara berpasangan membuat dialog yang berisikan tindak tutur yang telah dipelajari.

Pertemuan 2
Tahap Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Awal
o   Salam dan mengecek kehadiran siswa sambil memberikan motivasi.
o   Orientasi: memusatkan perhatian peserta didik pada materi yang akan dibelajarkan
o   Apersepsi: memberikan persepsi awal kepada peserta didik tentang materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti
o   Siswa mengikuti tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa menuliskan tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa merespon tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
o   Siswa membaca nyaring tindak tutur yang telah diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.
o   Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan mendengarkan tindak tutur yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru.

Kegiatan Penutup
o   Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami tindak tutur yang telah dipelajari.
o   Siswa dan guru bersama-sama membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.
o   Menugaskan siswa secara berpasangan membuat dialog yang berisikan tindak tutur yang telah dipelajari.

I.       Penilaian
·         Teknik: Lisan, tertulis
·         Bentuk: Menyimak dan merespon dialog yang diperdengarkan.
·         Instrumen:
Listen to the following dialogues and answer the questions.

·         Man             : Do you have any advice for me?
·         Woman       : My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.
·         3rd voice    :What does the woman suggest?
Tertulis dalam LKS (1):
a.    To be careful in doing business with her.
b.    To be careful in doing business with him.
c.     To be careful in giving advice to them.
d.    To be careful in doing business with them.
e.    To be careful in giving advice to her.

·         Man             : Do you think I ought to call the police?
·         Woman       : I think you’d better not to call the police.
·         3rd voice    :What does the woman suggest?
Tertulis dalam LKS (2):
a.    Call the police.
b.    Not call the police.
c.     Come to the police station.
d.    Not come to the police station.
e.    Give advice to the police.

·         Man             : You look unhealthy.
·         Woman       : Yes, I get headache and stomach ache.
·         Man             : You should go to the doctor. Come one, I will accompany you.
·         Woman       : OK.
·         3rd voice    : The man said, “You should go to the doctor.”
                                  What does it mean?
Tertulis dalam LKS (3):
a.       Agreement.
b.      Disagreement.
c.       Advice
d.      Necessity
e.      Plan.

·         Man             : What do you think I should buy her for her birthday?
·         Woman       : If I were you, I will buy a new house for her.
·         Man             : OK.
·         3rd voice    : What does the man asking for?
Tertulis dalam LKS (4):
a.       Agreement.
b.      Disagreement.
c.       Advice
d.      Necessity
e.      Plan.

·         Man                : I have a problem. My boss is never satisfied with my job. What do you recommend me to do?
·         Woman       : Well, try to work harder and more seriously.
·         3rd voice    : What does the man ask to woman?
Tertulis dalam LKS (5):
a.       Information
b.      Permission
c.       Advice
d.      Agreement
e.      Curiosity

·         Man                : My father is angry because I came home so late last week.
·         Woman         : I think you’d better ask for his apology and say to him that is your fault.
·         Man                : OK.
·         3rd voice       : From the dialogue, we know that the woman gives …….. to the man.
        Tertulis dalam LKS (6):
a.       agreement
b.      warning
c.       advice
d.      apology
e.      prohibition
·         A girl               : Wake up, Brother George. Tell me a story.
·         The boy         : No, No!! I have no story to tell, Little Sister.
·         A girl               : You must know one story! Tell me a story Brother George, please …
·         The boy         : Okay, okay … but please promise me that you never wake me up in the middle of Dawn like this anymore.
·         A girl               : I give you my word.
·         The boy         : You’d better keep your promise or I won’t tell you stories anymore.
·         A girl               : Well, it’s a promise.

3rd voice            : What does the girl want George to do?
Tertulis dalam LKS (7):
a.       to read a story.
b.      To write a story.
c.       To listen to a story.
d.      to tell a story.
e.      To make a story.

3rd voice            : Do you think George is used to tell stories to his little sister?
Tertulis dalam LKS (8):
a.       No, he does not.
b.      Yes, I do.
c.       No, I do not.
d.      Yes, he does.
e.      I don’t know.

3rd voice            : Why does George what her to make a promise?
Tertulis dalam LKS (9):
a.       Because he doesn’t want her sister to read a story anymore.
b.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to wake him up in the middle of the night anymore.
c.       Because he doesn’t want her sister to write a story anymore.
d.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to listen to a story anymore.
e.      Because he doesn’t want her sister to make a story anymore.

3rd voice            : What does the girl say to express her promise?
Tertulis dalam LKS (10):
a.       Wake up, Brother George.
b.      I give you my word.
c.       Tell me a story.
d.      You must know one story.
e.      Okay.

3rd voice            : What’s George’s response to the girl’s promise?
Tertulis dalam LKS (11):
a.       No, No!! I have no story to tell, Little Sister.
b.      Okay, okay … but please promise me that you never wake me up in the middle of Dawn like this anymore.
c.       You’d better keep your promise or I won’t tell you stories anymore.
d.      You must know one story.
e.      Well, it’s a promise.

·         Man                : I’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.
·         Woman         : I’ll clean it for you.
·         3rd voice       : What will the woman do?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (12):
a.       Clean the room.
b.      Come into the room.
c.       Stand in front of the room.
d.      Study in the room.
e.      Teach in the room.

·         Woman         : Bring me the water please...
·         Man                : Oh, I am tired.
·         3rd voice       : What does the man mean?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (13):
a.       He wants to take the water for the woman.
b.      He doesn’t want to take the water for the woman.
c.       He will bring the water for the woman.
d.      He can bring the water for the woman.
e.      He should bring the water for the woman.

·         Man                : Why do you sneeze so often?
·         Woman         : I am allergenic to smoke.
·         Man                : Oh, ……… for causing in such an inconvenience.
        Tertulis dalam LKS (14):
a.       do you mind
b.      would you mind
c.       apologize me
d.      I beg you to apologize
e.      I am sorry.

·         Man                : I want to complaint about these shoes.
·         Woman         : What’s the matter Sir?
·         Man                : These shoes are not comfortable for me.
·         3rd voice       : What does the man express?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (15):
a.       complaint
b.      giving an order
c.       suggestion
d.      possibility
e.      wonder

·         Man                : What can I do for you, mom?
·         Woman         : Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever found. I booked the room myself a week ago.
·         3rd voice       : Where is the dialogue probably happened?

     Tertulis dalam LKS (16):
a.       In a restaurant.
b.      In a hotel.
c.       In a school.
d.      In a hospital.
e.      In canteen.

·         Man                : Would you mind not talking too loudly?
·         Woman         : Oh, I am sorry.
·         3rd voice       : Where is the dialogue probably happened?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (17):
a.       In a restaurant.
b.      In a hotel.
c.       In a school.
d.      In a library.
e.      In canteen.

·         Man                : Look at the sky. I think it is likely to rain.
·         Woman         : Yes, I think so.
·         3rd voice       : What are they talking about?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (18):
a. Sympathy.
b. Intention.
c. Disappointment.
d. Regret.
e. Possibility.

·         Man                : Is there any chance they will meet and marry?
·         Woman         : There’s a good possibility.
·         3rd voice       : What are they talking about?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (19):
a. Sympathy.
b. Intention.
c. Disappointment.
d. Regret.
e. Possibility.

·         Man                : Would it be possible for us to get free meals like this every day?
·         Woman         : Yeah, sure.
·         3rd voice       : Where does the conversation most likely take place?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (20):
a. At home.
b. At a factory.
c. At a hospital.
d. At a school.
e. At a cafeteria.
·         Man                : Dad I have to go to school, but look at the sky, it is very cloudy. I think it is going to rain.
·         Father            : ………
        Tertulis dalam LKS (21):
a. I should take an umbrella.
b. You are going to take an umbrella.
c. You don’t take an umbrella.
d. I may take an umbrella.
e. You should take an umbrella.

·         Woman         : Would you carry this book to the teacher’s room for me?
·         Man                : No problem.
·         3rd voice       : Where does the conversation most likely take place?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (22):
a. At home.
b. At a factory.
c. At a hospital.
d. At a school.
e. At a hotel.

·         Woman         : Hendro, would you send my letter to Mrs. Rahayu?
·         Hendro          : ………
·         3rd voice       : What will Mr. Hendro say to refuse the request?
        Tertulis dalam LKS (23):
a.       I wish I could.
b.      That will be nice.
c.       That’s all right.
d.      That’s the right thing to do.
e.      I don’t know.

·         Man                : Anti, turn down the radio. I am studying English now?
·         Woman         : Ok.
·         3rd voice       : What does the man want?
·         Tertulis dalam LKS (24):
a.       To turn down the radio.
b.      To study English
c.       T o study English together.
d.      To help him to study English.
e.      To teach him English.

·         Daddy            : Mathew, you must not forget to close and lock the door before sleeping.
·         Mathew        : OK, dad.
·         3rd voice       : From the dialogue, Mathew’s father ……… Mathew not to forget to lock the door.
·         Tertulis dalam LKS (25):
a.       warned
b.      prohibited
c.       offered help
d.      showed sympathy
e.      expressed like

  • Pedoman penilaian
    • Tiap jawaban memiliki skor 1.
    • Skor maksimal                                   : 1 x 25 = 25.
    • Nilai maksimal                                   : 100.
    • Nilai siswa                                           : Skor perolehan/skor maksimal x 100
  • Kunci jawaban


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